Supercharge Your Content
Pain-free research and insight content
– in just two months
Does it take ages to get research and insight content published on your channels?
Is your inbox full of over-long articles from faculty with no clear objective or target audience?
Are you too busy managing your day-to-day work to give it real attention?
About you
Picture the scene. You are preparing for a marketing update with the Dean. Your phone pings with a notification that a new research article has been published on your website. You check your Google analytics and find that visits to your thought-leadership pages are up by 20 per cent this month, and that a video you released a week ago has been viewed over 200 times.
You are feeling pretty happy, right?
We all know the old saying, ‘content is king’, but the reality for business schools is that the path from source (usually faculty) to publication is often cumbersome.
Many faculty, who are used to writing for research publications, submit articles to the marketing communications team that are too long and complex for outside audiences. The editing process takes too long because the author and the marketing department have different views of what the content ‘ought’ to look like. And the internal marketing communications team is stretched across multiple projects, with little time to focus on consistent content production.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.

If you want to bridge the gap between your internal content and engaging your external audiences, you need to look at HOW your content is generated and WHY.
This involves:
- Having a strong strategy for your content that spells out what you want to achieve and why – to avoid any confusion or lack of direction
- Being totally audience-driven, to ensure that content is relevant and there are clear practical takeaways
- Having clear metrics and feedback loops in place, so that you can report successes and iterate
- Creating differentiation for your school by focusing on key themes, rather than spending time and energy covering all topics
- Appointing a dedicated project team, to drive content production forward and avoid disorganisation or gaps in your schedule
- Creating clear guidelines for faculty and other content creators, to avoid ambiguity, or excess time on editing/re-working content
- Engaging faculty and other potential content generators, such as industry guests, in your vision, to create new opportunities and ideas
- Cultivating an ‘outside-in’ mentality, so that you tap into the news agenda and social trends, making your content relevant to current events
- Gathering a strong team of creatives, such as videographers, audio experts, copywriters and illustrators, to vary formats and appeal to different audience interests
- Creating a consistent style and format, to avoid inappropriate or off-brand messaging.
Supercharge Your Content Programme
A five-step programme over two months which will:
- Give you rapid results – a strategy for creating relevant, audience-driven research and insight content that works!
- Unblock any internal barriers, and create a flow of high-performing content
- Engage faculty in the content process and help them understand what you need
- Align everyone behind a shared vision, with clear themes and goals
- Take the pressure off your internal team – letting you get on with your day job