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Boost Your Research Impact

Achieve global recognition for your research

– in just two months

Business Schools! Are you…

  • Struggling to demonstrate the impact of your research?
  •  Frustrated that your work isn’t getting the attention it deserves?
  • Tired of seeing others gain more recognition for their research?
  • Facing challenges in securing research funding?
  • Eager for your faculty to be celebrated globally for their achievements?

In just two months we will:

  • Develop a tailored PR strategy to enhance your research visibility.
  • Train selected faculty members on how to engage with the media.
  • Execute a successful media campaign for one of your research projects.


  • A strategic plan to secure press coverage for your research.
  • Impactful third-party endorsement for a media campaign.
  • Elevated profiles for participating faculty members.
  • Fresh content for social media and marketing initiatives.
  • Initial introductions to key journalists.
  • A stronger position as thought leaders in your field.
  • Improved understanding among faculty of journalists’ needs and preferences.
  • Enhanced satisfaction and reduced frustration for internal stakeholders.
  • Increased awareness of your business school’s research among potential funders, partners, and clients.

The Challenge for Business Schools

Business schools are at the forefront of business and management research, covering topics from productivity to diversity, innovation to economic growth. However, they often face criticism for being disconnected from practical application and engagement with policymakers and practitioners.

With declining research funding and pressure on Deans and Directors to show tangible impact, the need for visibility is critical. Faculty members, too, seek to build their personal brands, enhance their credibility, advance their careers, and create more academic opportunities.

The Obstacles to Research Coverage

  • Journalists are extremely busy, making it hard to capture their attention.
  • Competition is fierce, leading to potential oversight of your work.
  • Academic research can be complex and difficult for journalists to understand.
  • High standards for media coverage require strong, compelling stories.

Our Three-Step Programme

Our programme addresses these challenges, providing a clear focus for your
research PR and enhancing faculty understanding of media needs.

1. Virtual Workshop: We kick off with a virtual workshop involving your Head of Research and/or Head of Communications. This session aims to develop and refine a research PR strategy document and implementation plan for internal stakeholders. You’ll also nominate an initial research campaign to publicise.

2. Media Masterclass: We conduct a one-day media masterclass for up to four faculty members, preparing them to understand how the media operates and what it takes
to develop and pitch successful stories.

3. Media Campaign: We design and execute an initial research media campaign from start to finish, including introductions to at least four key journalists.

If you’re ready to boost your research visibility and gain more press coverage, get in touch!


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Read how we helped Dr. Eve Poole launch her latest book ‘Leadersmithing’

Read how we helped  Oxford Saïd Business School promote a research paper on the cost of the Olympics