In business school communications, time reigns supreme as the ultimate currency. As renowned jazz musician Miles Davis once asserted, “Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing.” Even decades after his passing, Davis’s wisdom...
A few years back, we received a call from the Head of PR at a prominent business school. The request: to promote a major report on the greenest cities worldwide. The catch? The launch was scheduled for the next week, leaving us minimal time to prepare. We’re...
Ever envy those business schools that always seem to be in the media while your emails to journalists play hide and seek? Getting media coverage isn’t easy, but there are big benefits. Creating a positive profile in the right outlets makes all your other...
Introduction Sasin School of Management had good media visibility in its home country of Thailand but recognised that it needed a bigger international profile to compete with other schools. The school was established in 1982 through a collaboration between...
When business schools first approach us about PR, they often have a specific project in mind. A typical conversation might go like this: “We are holding an event next month – can you help us get some media coverage?” “It’s our 50th anniversary next year;...
So, you’ve decided that you want to generate press coverage for your business school. Great! Positive press coverage will bring benefits to your business school. You will become more visible online, leading to increased enquiries and better rankings for...